Catholic Education Tasmania (CET) has made the following statement of commitment to the safety and wellbeing of young people.

  • We are committed to the safety and wellbeing of children and young people while enabling their participation as valued members of our community.

  • We have zero tolerance to child abuse and harm. Our people prioritise the safety of the children they interact with in the performance of their role and must report any conduct of concern.

  • We recognise the importance of child safety in the provision of quality education services. All children who attend Catholic Schools in Tasmania have the right to feel safe, be safe, and be heard.

  • We recognise our legal and moral responsibilities in keeping children and young people safe and have robust policies and procedures in place to meet this commitment that are aligned with the National Principles and applicable Tasmanian child safety legislation.

  • We want children to thrive, be safe, happy and empowered, and are dedicated to ensuring their views are listened to and respected, and they are given opportunities to contribute to how we plan and deliver our services that affect them.

  • We are committed to being a Child Safe Organisation.

Detailed information on the Catholic Education Commission Tasmania (CECT) Child and Youth Safety requirements, processes and practices are accessible on the, or go to the following Quick Links:


Information for Parents/Carers


Information for Students



Reporting child abuse and neglect